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A beach scene, a city skyline, a floor-to-ceiling galaxy mural or whatever your imagination can think.  That’s what can adorn the walls of one of the floors of the Pittsburgh House should you be the winner of our 45th anniversary Wrap a Wall contest.  Only 450* chances will be sold, each $100, and whoever wins will work with our design partner to bring to life a vivid, creative and fun display to cover the walls on a guest floor.  The design will include prominent recognition as determined by the winner, and be in place for years to come.

Combine your creativity and your commitment to RMHC with this special way to quite literally leave your mark on the Charity!

*No physical tickets will be furnished.  All 450 chances must be sold in order to select a winner.  If less than 450 chances are sold during the promotional timeframe which begins June 24, no winner will be chosen. Regardless of how many chances are sold, all gifts will be retained by the Charity and applied to the Charity’s Greatest Needs.  Ronald McDonald House Charities of Pittsburgh and Morgantown must approve final design.