Daisy’s Journey

“The Ronald McDonald House sustained us when we were going through so much. It kept us close to our baby, gave us a sense of community, and alleviated a huge financial burden. It supported us during months of uncertainty.” —Sarah, RMHC Mom

I wanted to find a way to honor my late Dad by connecting with an organization that helps others while they are sick. The first place that came to mind was the Ronald McDonald House.

I had never been to the Ronald McDonald House, but I knew of its mission to help kids and their families. What I didn’t know was that the same organization I was supporting would soon support my family.

When my daughter, Daisy, was born, she had a genetic disorder and a heart defect. She was unable to breathe at birth and placed on life support. None of this was anticipated during my pregnancy.

For the first three months of Daisy’s life, her father and I called Ronald McDonald House Morgantown our home. We were with her every step of the way. As she grew stronger, so did we because of the Ronald McDonald House.

Our journey continued at the Pittsburgh House, finding that same support we found in Morgantown. We finally went home when Daisy was nearly six months old.

Daisy is thriving. We are blown away by her resilience. She surprises us every day. She loves to dance and shakes her head yes and no, though it’s mostly no.

She continues to see her physicians and will require open heart surgery around age two or three. We are thankful to know that if needed, we will have a familiar place to stay.
